imat/InstMatLoL.c File Reference

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "../nps/Object.c"
#include "ImatState.c"
#include "ImatState.h"
#include "InstMatLoL.h"
#include "../hash/Intern.c"
#include "../num/blas/level1/cblas_dnrm2.c"
#include <math.h>
#include "../error/error.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../stdlib/alloc.c"
#include "../bio/bio.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "s8f8_svec.c"
#include "s8f8_svec_array.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "../msg.c"
#include "nr_ran.h"
#include "imat_shared.c"
#include "../nps/s8f8_array.c"
#include "imat_undef.h"


struct  nps_InstMatLoL


#define _GNU_SOURCE
#define NPS_INST_ARR_INITIAL_NUM_FEATS   (2048*512)


struct nps_InstMatLoLnps_InstMatLoL_ctor (struct nps_InstMatLoL *o, nps_error_t *error, va_list *app)
int nps_imat_lol_realloc (struct nps_InstMatLoL *o, nps_error_t *err, s8_t nRows)
int nps_InstMatLoL_dtor (struct nps_InstMatLoL *o)
int nps_initInstMatLoL (nps_error_t *error)
struct nps_InstMatLoLnps_newInstMatLoL (nps_error_t *err, s8_t nRows, struct Nps_Intern *instDict, struct Nps_Intern *featDict, struct Nps_Intern *labDict)
int64_t nps_InstMatLoL_numRows (struct nps_InstMatLoL *o)
void nps_InstMatLoL_norm2 (struct nps_InstMatLoL *o)
int nps_imat_lol_fill_err (struct nps_InstMatLoL *o, nps_error_t *err, struct nps_ImatState *st, char mutable)
int nps_imat_lol_fill_mut (struct nps_InstMatLoL *o, nps_error_t *err, struct nps_ImatState *st)
int nps_imat_lol_fill_frz (struct nps_InstMatLoL *o, nps_error_t *err, struct nps_ImatState *st)


struct nps_InstMatLoLnps_InstMatLoL

Define Documentation

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#define NPS_INST_ARR_INITIAL_NUM_FEATS   (2048*512)

Function Documentation

int nps_imat_lol_fill_err ( struct nps_InstMatLoL o,
nps_error_t err,
struct nps_ImatState st,
char  mutable 
int nps_imat_lol_fill_frz ( struct nps_InstMatLoL o,
nps_error_t err,
struct nps_ImatState st 
int nps_imat_lol_fill_mut ( struct nps_InstMatLoL o,
nps_error_t err,
struct nps_ImatState st 
int nps_imat_lol_realloc ( struct nps_InstMatLoL o,
nps_error_t err,
s8_t  nRows 
int nps_initInstMatLoL ( nps_error_t error  ) 
struct nps_InstMatLoL* nps_InstMatLoL_ctor ( struct nps_InstMatLoL o,
nps_error_t error,
va_list *  app 
) [read]
int nps_InstMatLoL_dtor ( struct nps_InstMatLoL o  ) 
void nps_InstMatLoL_norm2 ( struct nps_InstMatLoL o  ) 

||x||^2 normalize each row. In the event of ill conditioning (e.g. nan or inf after normalization), values are converted to 0.0.

int64_t nps_InstMatLoL_numRows ( struct nps_InstMatLoL o  ) 
struct nps_InstMatLoL* nps_newInstMatLoL ( nps_error_t err,
s8_t  nRows,
struct Nps_Intern instDict,
struct Nps_Intern featDict,
struct Nps_Intern labDict 
) [read]

Variable Documentation

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